5 Signs of a Toxic Partner in a Relationship

Everyone claims to be in the sweetest relationship until a quarrel ensues and that is why this article is for you. Here are signs you need to watch out for in your relationship, if all these signs are evident in your relationship, your best bet is to get out of the relationship.

  1. Selfishness 

A Self Centered or egotistical partner can be toxic and dangerous to a happy relationship. A relationship is full of compromise and sacrifices. When a partner cannot put his/her partner into consideration when making decisions it is said to be a selfish attitude which can be toxic to such a relationship. 

We might have experienced this, where a partner wants every decision to always favor them whereas they never consider the opinion or convenience of the partner. Such red flags can be addressed by having open, polite, and sincere conversations about making decisions that will be beneficial for both partners.

  1. The giving is one-sided

The art of giving is a very sweet and loving side to a relationship. It is a beautiful language of love and it definitely fuels the love and happiness in a relationship. Surely, a woman will receive more gifts from a loving partner. However, the woman must also have the habit of giving back to her partner. Giving in a relationship must not be one-sided. Where giving is one-sided, then it becomes a toxic relationship.

Both partners must have the habit of giving to each other. This is good fuel to keep the fire of the love burning. 

  1. Making the partner feel inferior 

No partner is perfect! We will always see another person that might seem or look better than our partner. True love is tested on true loyalty and devotion. When a partner compares their partner with someone else, this brings toxicity into the relationship and this might drive the partner into frustration. 

When a partner is making their partner feel belittled, this spoils the happiness and love and such can be a poison to a beautiful relationship. It must be avoided at all costs! 

A partner shouldn’t be compared with another third party. Everyone has their own individual peculiarities and such should be respected and admired at all times. As I said, a relationship is full of compromise and sacrifices. Also, a relationship must have contentment. Both partners must love and enjoy their partner in contentment. Helping each other achieve their goals and ambitions must be the drive toward fueling a stronger relationship.

  1. Negative person

As a human being, one should only surround themselves with positive-thinking people. When you have a partner that is constantly negative-minded, nothing is said to progress. A negative person should be avoided. Positivity is what brings about faith and self-belief and only when two partners are positive-minded can they rub such positive energy on each other.

 With a positive mind, everything is possible and this brings about self-belief, progress, and success in the lives of the partners. It can’t be over-emphasized, surround yourself with only positive-minded people so that you can grow in every aspect of your life, especially in your relationship.

  1. Bad influence 

A Bad Influence will always push you to do what you don’t want to do. It’s worse that your partner is a bad influence because you can be easily cajoled by your partner to make decisions that you don’t feel is appropriate yet you will be pushed to do it because you are trying to satisfy your partner.

Partners should always give good advice to each other. And partners should always agree on making good decisions together. However, when a partner is cajoling or insisting that the partner should do what he ought not to do or what he feels is not right, then this can be very toxic and can bring about regress in the relationship. Sincere mistakes or misunderstandings can happen, but a partner should not be persuaded to do what he knows is wrong by his/her partner. 

By Mofe Aina.